Tooth extraction/removal of a tooth occurs if a tooth cannot be saved, for example, if too much of a tooth is broken. During a tooth extraction, local anesthesia is administered, ensuring that the treatment is painless. Before the treatment begins, the anesthesia is checked, and in some cases, it may be necessary to supplement with more anesthesia to achieve the optimal effect. Once the anesthesia works, the tooth is removed. First, it must be loosened and then pulled out with forceps.


When the anesthesia is gone, it will be tender and slightly painful in the area where the tooth was removed. This is completely normal in connection with the treatment. To prevent pain, you can take a couple of painkillers before the anesthesia completely disappears. 


It is quite normal for the cheek and gum to swell when a tooth has been extracted. Cold compresses can be applied directly to the swelling to reduce it. This can be done for a quarter of an hour every hour for the first few hours. Some will also experience the cheek turning blue-yellow. This is completely normal and will disappear within a few days. If the swelling grows, contact us.

Efter tandudtrækning skal fysisk aktivitet undgås da det øger blodtrykket og blødningen fortsætter. Indtagning af føde skal helst være koldt og flødende. En god mundhygiejne er vigtigt for, at der ikke går infektion i såret, men undgå at børste direkte på såret de første dage. Den første dag skal såret have ro, derfor må man ikke skylle munden den første dag. Dagene efter kan der skylles med klorhexidin 0,1%, da dette nedsætter risikoen for infektion, men det skal ikke gøres i forbindelse med tandbørstning. Enten en time før eller efter tandbørstning, da  det modvirker hinanden. Undgå rygning, da dette mindsker sårhelingen. 

Feel free to contact us with any questions about tooth extraction or anything else. If we are closed, contact the emergency dentist in case of acute issues.

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